Music is an essential part of the Montessori day, through singing at circle time, listening to classical music during lunch, and working with musical instruments. During weekly music classes, children are introduced to musical vocabulary, instruments, and simple folk songs. They also listen to musical recordings from varying composers and time periods. In the winter and spring the children prepare for and perform a concert for family and friends.
The goal of Montessori education is to develop to the fullest the three aspects of the child's nature - body, mind and spirit. Learning music happily involves all three of these dimensions and can, therefore, be a highly integrating force in the development of the child's personality. Music-making involves a physical activity (moving, singing, playing) produced by mental direction (matching a pitch or rhythmic pattern), to convey a sentiment or idea.
Since music is a language - the movement of sounds through time to express an idea, its assimilation by the child follows the same sequence as that of the mother tongue.
Research indicates that music education during the child's early years results in:
doing better in math and reading
being better able to focus and control their bodies
enhanced memory and attention span
playing better with others and having a higher self esteem